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Airbyte Databases Data Catalog

Config Database


Column NameDatatypeDescription
actor_definition_idUUIDPrimary key. References the actor_definition table.
versionBIGINTVersion of the manifest.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last updated.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (actor_definition_id)
  • Foreign Key: actor_definition_id references actor_definition(id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the actor.
workspace_idUUIDForeign key referencing the workspace table.
actor_definition_idUUIDForeign key referencing actor_definition table.
nameVARCHAR(256)Name of the actor.
configurationJSONBConfiguration JSON blob specific to the actor.
actor_typeENUMIndicates whether the actor is a source or destination.
tombstoneBOOLEANSoft delete flag.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last updated.
resource_requirementsJSONBDefines resource requirements for the actor.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: workspace_id references workspace(id)
  • Foreign Key: actor_definition_id references actor_definition(id)
  • Index: actor_definition_id_idx on (actor_definition_id)
  • Index: actor_workspace_id_idx on (workspace_id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the catalog.
catalogJSONBJSON representation of the catalog.
catalog_hashVARCHAR(32)Hash of the catalog for quick comparison.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
modified_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Index: actor_catalog_catalog_hash_id_idx on (catalog_hash)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the fetch event.
actor_catalog_idUUIDForeign key referencing actor_catalog(id).
actor_idUUIDForeign key referencing actor(id).
config_hashVARCHAR(32)Hash of the configuration at the time of the fetch.
actor_versionVARCHAR(256)Version of the actor definition when the fetch occurred.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
modified_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: actor_catalog_id references actor_catalog(id)
  • Foreign Key: actor_id references actor(id)
  • Index: actor_catalog_fetch_event_actor_catalog_id_idx on (actor_catalog_id)
  • Index: actor_catalog_fetch_event_actor_id_idx on (actor_id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the actor definition.
nameVARCHAR(256)Name of the connector.
iconVARCHAR(256)Icon for the connector.
actor_typeENUMIndicates whether the actor is a source or destination.
source_typeENUMSource category (e.g., API, Database).
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.
tombstoneBOOLEANSoft delete flag.
resource_requirementsJSONBDefines default resource requirements.
publicBOOLEANDetermines if the definition is publicly available.
customBOOLEANIndicates if the connector is user-defined.
max_seconds_between_messagesINTMaximum allowed seconds between messages.
default_version_idUUIDForeign key referencing actor_definition_version(id).
icon_urlVARCHAR(256)URL of the icon image.
metricsJSONBMetadata about the connector.
enterpriseBOOLEANWhether the connector is part of the enterprise edition.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: default_version_id references actor_definition_version(id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
actor_definition_idUUIDForeign key referencing actor_definition(id).
versionVARCHAR(256)Version of the breaking change.
migration_documentation_urlVARCHAR(256)URL linking to migration documentation.
upgrade_deadlineDATEDeadline for upgrading to the new version.
messageTEXTDescription of the breaking change.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.
scoped_impactJSONBJSON object describing the impact scope.
deadline_actionVARCHAR(256)Action required before the deadline.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (actor_definition_id, version)
  • Foreign Key: actor_definition_id references actor_definition(id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
json_to_injectJSONBJSON configuration to inject.
injection_pathVARCHARPath where the injection applies.
actor_definition_idUUIDForeign key referencing actor_definition(id).
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (actor_definition_id, injection_path)
  • Foreign Key: actor_definition_id references actor_definition(id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the version.
actor_definition_idUUIDForeign key referencing actor_definition(id).
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.
documentation_urlVARCHAR(256)Documentation URL for this version.
docker_repositoryVARCHAR(256)Docker repository name.
docker_image_tagVARCHAR(256)Docker image tag for this version.
specJSONBSpecification JSON blob.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: actor_definition_id references actor_definition(id)
  • Unique Constraint: actor_definition_id, docker_image_tag


Column NameDatatypeDescription
actor_definition_idUUIDForeign key referencing actor_definition(id).
workspace_idUUIDForeign key referencing workspace(id).
scope_idUUIDScope identifier.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Unique Constraint: actor_definition_id, scope_id, scope_type


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier.
workspace_idUUIDForeign key referencing workspace(id).
actor_definition_idUUIDForeign key referencing actor_definition(id).

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: workspace_id references workspace(id)
  • Foreign Key: actor_definition_id references actor_definition(id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
installed_rankINTPrimary key. Rank of the installed migration.
versionVARCHAR(50)Version number of the migration.
descriptionVARCHAR(200)Description of the migration.
typeVARCHAR(20)Type of migration.
scriptVARCHAR(1000)Script executed for the migration.
checksumINTChecksum of the migration script.
installed_byVARCHAR(100)User who installed the migration.
installed_onTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the migration was installed.
execution_timeINTTime taken to execute the migration.
successBOOLEANIndicates whether the migration was successful.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (installed_rank)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the application.
user_idUUIDForeign key referencing user(id).
nameVARCHARName of the application.
client_idVARCHARClient ID for authentication.
client_secretVARCHARSecret key for authentication.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: user_id references user(id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
valueVARCHARPrimary key. Refresh token value.
session_idVARCHARID of the session associated with the token.
revokedBOOLEANIndicates whether the token has been revoked.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (value)
  • Unique Constraint: (session_id, value)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the auth user.
user_idUUIDForeign key referencing user(id).
auth_user_idVARCHARID of the authenticated user.
auth_providerENUMAuthentication provider used.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: user_id references user(id)
  • Unique Constraint: (auth_user_id, auth_provider)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the connection.
namespace_definitionENUMDefines how the namespace is set.
namespace_formatVARCHARFormat for the namespace when using custom.
prefixVARCHARPrefix added to destination tables.
source_idUUIDForeign key referencing actor(id).
destination_idUUIDForeign key referencing actor(id).
nameVARCHARName of the connection.
catalogJSONBJSON blob defining the connection catalog.
statusENUMConnection status (active, inactive, etc.).
scheduleJSONBJSON blob defining the connection schedule.
manualBOOLEANIndicates if the connection runs manually.
resource_requirementsJSONBResource requirements for the connection.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: source_id references actor(id)
  • Foreign Key: destination_id references actor(id)
  • Index: connection_source_id_idx on (source_id)
  • Index: connection_destination_id_idx on (destination_id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the record.
connection_idUUIDForeign key referencing connection(id).
operation_idUUIDForeign key referencing operation(id).
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id, connection_id, operation_id)
  • Foreign Key: connection_id references connection(id)
  • Foreign Key: operation_id references operation(id)
  • Index: connection_operation_connection_id_idx on (connection_id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the record.
tag_idUUIDForeign key referencing tag(id).
connection_idUUIDForeign key referencing connection(id).
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: tag_id references tag(id)
  • Foreign Key: connection_id references connection(id)
  • Unique Constraint: (tag_id, connection_id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the event.
connection_idUUIDForeign key referencing connection(id).
user_idUUIDForeign key referencing user(id).
event_typeVARCHARType of event that occurred.
summaryJSONBJSON blob containing event details.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the event occurred.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: connection_id references connection(id)
  • Foreign Key: user_id references user(id)
  • Index: idx_connection_timeline_connection_id on (connection_id, created_at, event_type)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the project.
workspace_idUUIDForeign key referencing workspace(id).
nameVARCHARName of the connector project.
manifest_draftJSONBJSON draft of the connector manifest.
actor_definition_idUUIDForeign key referencing actor_definition(id).
tombstoneBOOLEANIndicates if the project is deleted.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.
testing_valuesJSONBJSON containing test values for the connector.
base_actor_definition_version_idUUIDForeign key referencing actor_definition_version(id).
contribution_pull_request_urlVARCHARURL for the contribution PR.
contribution_actor_definition_idUUIDForeign key referencing actor_definition(id).
components_file_contentTEXTRaw content of component files.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: workspace_id references workspace(id)
  • Foreign Key: actor_definition_id references actor_definition(id)
  • Foreign Key: base_actor_definition_version_id references actor_definition_version(id)
  • Foreign Key: contribution_actor_definition_id references actor_definition(id)
  • Index: connector_builder_project_workspace_idx on (workspace_id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the rollout.
actor_definition_idUUIDForeign key referencing actor_definition(id).
release_candidate_version_idUUIDForeign key referencing actor_definition_version(id).
initial_version_idUUIDForeign key referencing actor_definition_version(id).
stateVARCHARCurrent state of the rollout.
initial_rollout_pctINTInitial rollout percentage.
current_target_rollout_pctINTCurrent target rollout percentage.
final_target_rollout_pctINTFinal target rollout percentage.
has_breaking_changesBOOLEANIndicates if the rollout has breaking changes.
max_step_wait_time_minsINTMaximum wait time between rollout steps.
updated_byUUIDForeign key referencing user(id).
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the rollout started.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.
completed_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the rollout was completed.
expires_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the rollout expires.
error_msgVARCHARError message if the rollout failed.
failed_reasonVARCHARReason for failure.
rollout_strategyVARCHARStrategy used for the rollout.
workflow_run_idVARCHARWorkflow run identifier.
paused_reasonVARCHARReason for pausing the rollout.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: actor_definition_id references actor_definition(id)
  • Foreign Key: release_candidate_version_id references actor_definition_version(id)
  • Foreign Key: initial_version_id references actor_definition_version(id)
  • Foreign Key: updated_by references user(id)
  • Unique Index: actor_definition_id_state_unique_idx on actor_definition_id
    • Condition: (state in ['errored', 'finalizing', 'in_progress', 'initialized', 'paused', 'workflow_started'])


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the dataplane.
dataplane_group_idUUIDForeign key referencing dataplane_group(id).
nameVARCHARName of the dataplane.
enabledBOOLEANIndicates if the dataplane is enabled.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.
updated_byUUIDForeign key referencing user(id).
tombstoneBOOLEANIndicates if the record is deleted.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: dataplane_group_id references dataplane_group(id)
  • Foreign Key: updated_by references user(id)
  • Unique Constraint: (dataplane_group_id, name)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the group.
organization_idUUIDForeign key referencing organization(id).
nameVARCHARName of the dataplane group.
enabledBOOLEANIndicates if the group is enabled.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.
updated_byUUIDForeign key referencing user(id).
tombstoneBOOLEANIndicates if the record is deleted.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: organization_id references organization(id)
  • Foreign Key: updated_by references user(id)
  • Unique Constraint: (organization_id, name)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
actor_definition_idUUIDForeign key referencing actor_definition(id).
descriptionVARCHARDescription of the manifest.
manifestJSONBJSON representation of the manifest.
specJSONBJSON specification for the manifest.
versionBIGINTVersion number of the manifest.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (actor_definition_id, version)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
major_versionINTPrimary key. Major version number.
image_versionVARCHARVersion of the image.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.
image_shaVARCHARSHA checksum of the image.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (major_version)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the notification configuration.
enabledBOOLEANIndicates if the notification is enabled.
notification_typeENUMType of notification.
connection_idUUIDForeign key referencing connection(id).
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: connection_id references connection(id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the operation.
workspace_idUUIDForeign key referencing workspace(id).
nameVARCHARName of the operation.
operator_typeENUMType of operator (dbt, normalization, etc.).
operator_normalizationJSONBJSON blob defining normalization settings.
operator_dbtJSONBJSON blob defining dbt settings.
tombstoneBOOLEANIndicates if the operation is deleted.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.
operator_webhookJSONBJSON blob defining webhook settings.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: workspace_id references workspace(id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the organization.
nameVARCHARName of the organization.
user_idUUIDForeign key referencing user(id).
emailVARCHARContact email for the organization.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.
tombstoneBOOLEANIndicates if the organization is deleted.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: user_id references user(id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the record.
organization_idUUIDForeign key referencing organization(id).
email_domainVARCHAREmail domain associated with the organization.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: organization_id references organization(id)
  • Unique Constraint: (organization_id, email_domain)
  • Index: organization_email_domain_organization_id_idx on (organization_id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
organization_idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the organization payment configuration.
payment_provider_idVARCHARPayment provider ID.
payment_statusENUMStatus of the organization's payment.
grace_period_end_atTIMESTAMPEnd timestamp for the grace period.
usage_category_overrideENUMOverride for usage category.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.
subscription_statusENUMStatus of the organization's subscription.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (organization_id)
  • Unique Constraint: (payment_provider_id)
  • Foreign Key: organization_id references organization(id)
  • Index: organization_payment_config_payment_status_idx on (payment_status)
  • Index: organization_payment_config_payment_provider_id_idx on (payment_provider_id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the permission.
user_idUUIDForeign key referencing user(id).
workspace_idUUIDForeign key referencing workspace(id).
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.
organization_idUUIDForeign key referencing organization(id).
permission_typeENUMType of permission assigned.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: user_id references user(id)
  • Foreign Key: workspace_id references workspace(id)
  • Foreign Key: organization_id references organization(id)
  • Unique Constraint: (user_id, organization_id)
  • Unique Constraint: (user_id, workspace_id)
  • Index: permission_organization_id_idx on (organization_id)
  • Index: permission_workspace_id_idx on (workspace_id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for schema management.
connection_idUUIDForeign key referencing connection(id).
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.
auto_propagation_statusENUMStatus of automatic schema propagation.
backfill_preferenceENUMUser preference for backfill operations.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: connection_id references connection(id)
  • Index: connection_idx on (connection_id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the scoped configuration.
keyVARCHARConfiguration key.
resource_typeENUMType of resource associated with the configuration.
resource_idUUIDIdentifier of the associated resource.
scope_typeENUMType of scope (e.g., workspace, organization).
scope_idUUIDIdentifier for the scope of the configuration.
valueVARCHARValue of the configuration.
descriptionTEXTDescription of the configuration setting.
reference_urlVARCHARURL reference for more information.
origin_typeENUMType of origin for the configuration setting.
originVARCHARSource of the configuration setting.
expires_atDATEExpiration date of the configuration.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Unique Constraint: (key, resource_type, resource_id, scope_type, scope_id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for secret persistence configuration.
scope_idUUIDIdentifier for the scope of the secret.
scope_typeENUMScope type (organization, workspace, etc.).
secret_persistence_config_coordinateVARCHARCoordinate for secret persistence configuration.
secret_persistence_typeENUMType of secret persistence method.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Unique Constraint: (scope_id, scope_type)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the SSO configuration.
organization_idUUIDForeign key referencing organization(id).
keycloak_realmVARCHARKeycloak realm associated with the organization.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: organization_id references organization(id)
  • Unique Constraint: (keycloak_realm)
  • Unique Constraint: (organization_id)
  • Index: sso_config_keycloak_realm_idx on (keycloak_realm)
  • Index: sso_config_organization_id_idx on (organization_id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the state record.
connection_idUUIDForeign key referencing connection(id).
stateJSONBJSON blob storing the state information.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.
stream_nameTEXTName of the stream associated with this state.
namespaceTEXTNamespace of the stream.
typeENUMType of state (STREAM, GLOBAL, LEGACY).

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id, connection_id)
  • Foreign Key: connection_id references connection(id)
  • Unique Constraint: (connection_id, stream_name, namespace)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the stream generation record.
connection_idUUIDForeign key referencing connection(id).
stream_nameVARCHARName of the stream.
stream_namespaceVARCHARNamespace of the stream.
generation_idBIGINTIdentifier for the stream generation.
start_job_idBIGINTJob ID that started this stream generation.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: connection_id references connection(id)
  • Index: stream_generation_connection_id_stream_name_generation_id_idx on (connection_id, stream_name, generation_id)
  • Index: stream_generation_connection_id_stream_name_stream_namespace_idx on (connection_id, stream_name, stream_namespace, generation_id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the stream refresh record.
connection_idUUIDForeign key referencing connection(id).
stream_nameVARCHARName of the stream.
stream_namespaceVARCHARNamespace of the stream.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
refresh_typeENUMType of refresh operation performed.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: connection_id references connection(id)
  • Index: stream_refreshes_connection_id_idx on (connection_id)
  • Index: stream_refreshes_connection_id_stream_name_idx on (connection_id, stream_name)
  • Index: stream_refreshes_connection_id_stream_name_stream_namespace_idx on (connection_id, stream_name, stream_namespace)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the stream reset record.
connection_idUUIDForeign key referencing connection(id).
stream_namespaceTEXTNamespace of the stream.
stream_nameTEXTName of the stream being reset.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: connection_id references connection(id)
  • Unique Constraint: (connection_id, stream_name, stream_namespace)
  • Index: connection_id_stream_name_namespace_idx on (connection_id, stream_name, stream_namespace)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the tag.
workspace_idUUIDForeign key referencing workspace(id).
nameVARCHARName of the tag.
colorCHAR(6)Hexadecimal color code for the tag.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: workspace_id references workspace(id)
  • Unique Constraint: (name, workspace_id)
  • Index: tag_workspace_id_idx on (workspace_id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the user.
nameVARCHARName of the user.
default_workspace_idUUIDForeign key referencing workspace(id).
statusENUMStatus of the user account.
company_nameVARCHARName of the company associated with the user.
emailVARCHAREmail address of the user.
newsBOOLEANWhether the user subscribes to newsletters.
ui_metadataJSONBUI metadata associated with the user.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: default_workspace_id references workspace(id)
  • Unique Constraint: (email)
  • Index: user_email_idx on (email)
  • Unique Index: user_email_unique_key on lower(email)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the invitation.
invite_codeVARCHARUnique code for the invitation.
inviter_user_idUUIDForeign key referencing user(id).
invited_emailVARCHAREmail of the invited user.
permission_typeENUMType of permission granted to the invited user.
statusENUMStatus of the invitation (pending, accepted, etc.).
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.
scope_idUUIDScope ID for the invitation.
scope_typeENUMType of scope (organization, workspace, etc.).
accepted_by_user_idUUIDForeign key referencing user(id).
expires_atTIMESTAMPExpiration timestamp of the invitation.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: inviter_user_id references user(id)
  • Foreign Key: accepted_by_user_id references user(id)
  • Unique Constraint: (invite_code)
  • Index: user_invitation_invite_code_idx on (invite_code)
  • Index: user_invitation_invited_email_idx on (invited_email)
  • Index: user_invitation_scope_id_index on (scope_id)
  • Index: user_invitation_scope_type_and_scope_id_index on (scope_type, scope_id)
  • Index: user_invitation_accepted_by_user_id_index on (accepted_by_user_id)
  • Index: user_invitation_expires_at_index on (expires_at)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idVARCHARPrimary key. Unique identifier for the workload.
dataplane_idVARCHARIdentifier for the dataplane handling this workload.
statusENUMStatus of the workload (pending, running, etc.).
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.
last_heartbeat_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp of the last heartbeat received.
input_payloadTEXTPayload associated with the workload.
log_pathTEXTPath to logs for the workload.
geographyVARCHARGeography associated with the workload.
mutex_keyVARCHARMutex key used for workload execution control.
typeENUMType of workload being processed.
termination_sourceVARCHARSource that terminated the workload.
termination_reasonTEXTReason for workload termination.
auto_idUUIDAuto-generated identifier for the workload.
deadlineTIMESTAMPDeadline for workload execution.
signal_inputTEXTSignal input for the workload.
dataplane_groupVARCHARDataplane group associated with the workload.
priorityINTPriority level of the workload.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Index: active_workload_by_mutex_idx on (mutex_key) where (status is active)
  • Index: workload_deadline_idx on (deadline) where (deadline IS NOT NULL)
  • Index: workload_mutex_idx on (mutex_key)
  • Index: workload_status_idx on (status)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the label.
workload_idVARCHARForeign key referencing workload(id).
keyVARCHARLabel key.
valueVARCHARLabel value.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: workload_id references workload(id)
  • Unique Constraint: (workload_id, key)
  • Index: workload_label_workload_id_idx on (workload_id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idUUIDPrimary key. Unique identifier for the workspace.
customer_idUUIDCustomer associated with the workspace.
nameVARCHARName of the workspace.
slugVARCHARSlug identifier for the workspace.
emailVARCHARContact email for the workspace.
initial_setup_completeBOOLEANWhether the initial setup is complete.
anonymous_data_collectionBOOLEANWhether anonymous data collection is enabled.
send_newsletterBOOLEANWhether the user is subscribed to newsletters.
send_security_updatesBOOLEANWhether security updates are sent.
display_setup_wizardBOOLEANWhether the setup wizard should be displayed.
tombstoneBOOLEANWhether the workspace is deleted.
notificationsJSONBNotification settings.
first_sync_completeBOOLEANWhether the first sync has completed.
feedback_completeBOOLEANWhether feedback collection is completed.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.
geographyENUMGeography associated with the workspace.
webhook_operation_configsJSONBWebhook operation configurations.
notification_settingsJSONBNotification settings for the workspace.
organization_idUUIDForeign key referencing organization(id).

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (id)
  • Foreign Key: organization_id references organization(id)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
workspace_idUUIDForeign key referencing workspace(id).
service_account_idVARCHARService account ID.
service_account_emailVARCHAREmail associated with the service account.
json_credentialJSONBJSON blob storing credentials.
hmac_keyJSONBJSON blob storing HMAC keys.
created_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was created.
updated_atTIMESTAMPTimestamp when the record was last modified.

Indexes and Constraints

  • Primary Key: (workspace_id, service_account_id)
  • Foreign Key: workspace_id references workspace(id)

Jobs Database


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idbigintPrimary key, uniquely identifies a job.
config_typejob_config_typeType of job (sync, reset).
scopevarchar(255)Identifier for the connection or scope of the job.
configjsonbJSON blob containing job configuration.
statusjob_statusCurrent status of the job (running, failed, succeeded, etc.).
started_attimestamp(6) with time zoneTimestamp when the job started.
created_attimestamp(6) with time zoneTimestamp when the job was created.
updated_attimestamp(6) with time zoneTimestamp when the job was last updated.
metadatajsonbJSON blob containing metadata for the job.
is_scheduledbooleanWhether the job was scheduled automatically (default: true).

Indexes & Constraints

  • Primary Key: id
  • Indexes:
    • jobs_config_type_idx → (config_type)
    • jobs_scope_idx → (scope)
    • jobs_status_idx → (status)
    • jobs_updated_at_idx → (updated_at)
    • scope_created_at_idx → (scope, created_at DESC)
    • scope_non_terminal_status_idx → (scope, status) (only for non-terminal statuses: not failed, succeeded, or cancelled)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
idbigintPrimary key, uniquely identifies an attempt.
job_idbigintForeign key to jobs(id), linking the attempt to a job.
attempt_numberintNumber of the attempt for a given job.
log_pathvarchar(255)Path where logs for this attempt are stored.
outputjsonbJSON blob containing the attempt's output details.
statusattempt_statusStatus of the attempt (running, failed, succeeded).
created_attimestamp(6) with time zoneTimestamp when the attempt was created.
updated_attimestamp(6) with time zoneTimestamp when the attempt was last updated.
ended_attimestamp(6) with time zoneTimestamp when the attempt ended.
failure_summaryjsonbJSON blob containing failure reason details.
processing_task_queuevarchar(255)Task queue identifier for processing.
attempt_sync_configjsonbJSON blob for sync configuration.

Indexes & Constraints

  • Primary Key: id
  • Foreign Key: job_idjobs(id)
  • Indexes:
    • attempts_status_idx → (status)
    • job_attempt_idx → (job_id, attempt_number) (Unique)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
keyvarchar(255)Primary key, uniquely identifies a metadata key.
valuevarchar(255)Value associated with the key.

Indexes & Constraints

  • Primary Key: key


Column NameDatatypeDescription
installed_rankintPrimary key, rank of migration execution.
versionvarchar(50)Version number of the migration.
descriptionvarchar(200)Description of the migration.
typevarchar(20)Type of migration.
scriptvarchar(1000)Name of the migration script.
checksumintChecksum of the migration script.
installed_byvarchar(100)User who installed the migration.
installed_ontimestamp(6)Timestamp when migration was installed.
execution_timeintExecution time in milliseconds.
successbooleanWhether the migration succeeded.

Indexes & Constraints

  • Primary Key: installed_rank
  • Indexes:
    • airbyte_jobs_migrations_s_idx → (success)


Column NameDatatypeDescription
iduuidPrimary key, uniquely identifies a normalization summary.
attempt_idbigintForeign key to attempts(id).
start_timetimestamp(6) with time zoneStart time of the normalization process.
end_timetimestamp(6) with time zoneEnd time of the normalization process.
failuresjsonbJSON blob containing failure details.
created_attimestamp(6) with time zoneTimestamp when the summary was created.
updated_attimestamp(6) with time zoneTimestamp when the summary was last updated.

Indexes & Constraints

  • Primary Key: id
  • Foreign Key: attempt_idattempts(id)
  • Indexes:
    • normalization_summary_attempt_id_idx → (attempt_id)